Pledge to yourself to reduce your platic footprint. The more you do it, the easier it becomes and you might be saving the life of a bird or animal.
While it might seem overwhelming to rid the entire planet of plastic, you can start by taking four small steps.
STEP 1) Simply pledge to yourself that you will try to reduce your plastic footprint in your home. The more you do it, the easier it becomes and you might be saving the life of an animal or bird.
STEP 2)Then, pledge to yourself that you will try to avoid single-use plastic products that pollute our oceans and kill our marine friends. The more you do it, the easier it becomes and you might be saving the life of an a bird or animal.
STEP 3) Next, pledge to yourself to become active in community events that support recycling, marine clean-ups, or single-use plastic bans. The more you do it, the easier it becomes and you might be saving the life of a bird or an animal.
STEP 4) Finally, pledge to yourself to 'chirp' about plastic pollution at every opportunity - to friends, neighbors, shop-keepers, department stores, drug stores landscape outlets etc The more you do it, the easier it becomes and you might be saving the lives of many birds and animals.
If I only have time to read one article, what's a good one?
"Plastic Debris in the Ocean" provides an unemotional, current scientific summary of the plastic problem (be patient as it takes a few moments to load)
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