October 17, 2014

Elizabeth Beaumont and ProAcqua!

Chirping birds are any man, woman or child who will chirp, cheep and chitter about plastic litter. Birds come in all shapes and sizes, colors, habits, and routines. Birds chirp and cheep in different songs but all birds of a feather flock together to bring awareness to the devastating effects of plastic contaminants. The Chirping Bird Society recently found Elizabeth Beaumont who lives in Australia and like all ‘chirping birds’,  she is totally dedicated to the environment.
We want to take this opportunity to give a chirp out to Elizabeth who was recently a guest on the Robert Sharpe blog radio show, “Bringing Inspiration to Earth.” The link to the show is below.
Elizabeth has worked as a Liver Intensive Care Nurse and recently has returned to new studies, this time in the area of Sustainability. During a merging of two assignments that concerned water extraction for the bottled water industry and the ingestment of plastics by sea mammals and birds, she decided to approach the senior management of the university and make formal presentations to phase out and subsequently ban the sale of water housed in polyethylene terephthalate at the university. She was successful making her university the 1st in Queensland and only the 2nd in Australia to ban the sale of water in P.E .T. This will result in a massive reduction of carbon emissions. The university has installed 3 ProAcqua machines the greatest innovation of water vends that ever have been invented. In 2014 she traveled to Cambodia with the university and was asked by the Minister of Tourism to advise on plastic pollution there.  Her work to communicate the dangers of this issue has been enhanced by her steady efforts to connect with other interested people including, experts in the broad field of plastic pollution.  She actively picks up all kinds of plastic and volunteers for the Two Hand Project while applauding everyone else committed to picking up plastics. For 30 years she has actively practiced Nichiren Buddhism. Together with her family, Elizabeth enjoys life on a Land for Wildlife property where marsupials, birds and aquatic life live freely in the Hinterland of South East Queensland.
Congratulations Elizabeth for all your hard work and commitment to the environment. You are an excellent ‘chirping bird’ and we are delighted to have you in our nest.
To contact to Elizabeth email her at e_b043@student.usc.edu.au 

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